Episode 2 - The different kinds of webcasts

What webcast format should you choose? Is it preferable to capture and broadcast live or pre-recorded? Emmalie and Stéphanie continue their discussion with experts Armando Menicacci and Mickaël Spinnhirny to answer these initial questions. In this episode, the experts explain the differences between webcast formats and their benefits and drawbacks. As the discussion progresses, Emmalie and Stéphanie receive invaluable advice that leads them step by step to focus on their project…
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Why produce a webcast?

Before choosing where to broadcast your work, it is important to determine the objective(s) you hope to achieve. This tool provides a summary of the right questions to ask when selecting the ideal format for your needs.
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Who are you aiming to reach?

An important criterion to keep in mind is the audience that we want to reach. This document presents a short summary of the various social media platforms and the audiences that use them.
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What form of webcast is the most appropriate?

This tool presents a summary of the four forms of webcasts presented in the short video (live broadcast, live broadcast with capture(s), rental, and purchase).
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Webcast Requirements

This tool guides you step by step in defining your objectives and selecting the most appropriate formula for your project. To access the tool, go to the site of La Machinerie.
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The capture of a stage creation is its recording usually with one or several cameras. Unlike videodance or cinedance – an audiovisual work with cinematographic touches created for the camera – capture is a recording that adapts to the stage work, serves as its archive, and seeks to transpose into sound and images the experience of the audience seated in the performance hall. Capture can be done with or without an audience.

The term webcast refers literally to all broadcasting of audio-video content on the Web. There are two webcast methods, i.e., streaming and downloading. Streaming breaks down again into two other processes: live stream and pre-recorded (modelled on the principle of the rebroadcast a recorded work).

A webcast technique that can send the audio, video or audiovisual stream in real time on several platforms, e.g., Facebook and YouTube, Twitch, Twitter and LinkedIn at the same time. The advantage of multicasting is both communicational and technical. From a communications standpoint, it has the advantage of being able to reach more people, especially if they do not have an account on one or several of these platforms. From a technical standpoint, multicasting makes it possible to spread out users over several sites, thus avoiding viewing problems caused by too many people viewing the same stream at the same time on one platform.

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Webcast platforms

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