Episode 5 - Overview of the major steps of a project

From video capture and production to online broadcasting, this episode provides an overview of the major steps in a webcast project. How do you integrate the production of a webcast into choreographic work created for the stage? Should one consider this new format beforehand?
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Steps for producing a webcast

The steps involved in carrying out a project to broadcast a choreographic work online vary according to different criteria (nature of the project, type of webcast, etc.). This sheet therefore presents a particular case: that of a live webcast of a company having a choreographic project in a theatre worn by a broadcaster.
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Specifications for preparing its webcast project

This tool guides you step by step in planning your webcast project. To access the entire tool, go to the La Machinerie website.
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All the technical and artistic actions that follow filming and are necessary to its completion. Live webcasts do not require post-production work since what is captured is immediately seen by the viewers. Modern studios that offer webcasting can also offer an isolated recording of each separate camera in Full HD resolution (1920 x 1080 pixels), in addition to the recording that has been switched by the webcast director. If their cameras allow, these studios can simultaneously record in higher resolution (4K, 6K, 8K or higher) and low compression, i.e., capture in maximum quality what each camera has recorded. These recordings captured live allow for “fine cuts” in post-production, to eventually re-edit and calibrate in higher definition for archival purposes or simply for future broadcasting on pre-recorded webcast platforms at videodance festivals, or on television.

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